Mark's Photo Album

Europe Summer 1987 - Bethany Rose Kenner & Mark Starr

Northwestern University Sucks. Worst... school... ever.

After 12 years of that shit, all I wanted by time, was to be free.
So I did a Christopher McCandless, said enough horseshit was enough
and exited the bullshit program of jumping when they said jump
and chasing a meaningless grade numbers to claw your way to the top of bodies
and casulties in an academic gas chamber and social thunderdome.

Bye. Fuck this shit. I'm going right angle 90 degrees stage right out of this hell.
I've finally got a choice, and I chose to leave, live, do what I want to do, and be free.

Last updated 2024.04.18
mrstarr @

Download the song free here (right click and save as): Eden in Your Arms A

She said I was a boat anchor, holding her down! :-)

And then just a rebound. I didn't even know what a rebound was, you were my first.
What the hell is that? I've had thirty relationships in my life since. It's a nothing statement.
You give everybody a chance, and anybody can be the one. Even a rebound can become something fantastic.

I tell you what I saw.

When I looked through my camera at you, I saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
I had eyes for no other, other women just didn't exist.

Because you were attainable, you were mine, and I had against all odds, won your affection,
against the bleak sadness and death of being utterly alone.
That's the victory over death you talk about both of us winning in your poem.

I was diabetic back then from binging on an 80% diet of sugary softdrinks from being a hacker,
I had no clue... what a good diet was. All I needed was good food in me that wasn't poison.

Sorry, chick peas didn't do it for me. Fresh vegitables and occasional burger
would of kept me running just fine.